Understand & take control of your podcast traffic.

Prefix Manager offers complete, customizable control and access to your podcast traffic, making it easy for you to work with advertising, attribution, and other partners of your choice — while also providing you with reliable, 3rd party metrics & insights about your listeners.

Prefix Manager Traffic Report

One Link

From Many to One

Prefix Manager simplifies the technical work by requiring the installation of just one link in your Podcast RSS feed.

Install Once.
Instead of vying for a prefix slot, install a single link one time and easily manage unlimited partners, calls, and traffic.
Manage Links Easily.
Control how your link behaves, including background calls and round robin traffic.
Get Comprehensive Data.
See all traffic that moves through the link, and easily account for bots and opt-out tracking.
One Link


Works the Way You Do

Prefix Manager is designed to work around the concept of campaigns, and puts greater control of the data into the hands of you and your team.

Build Campaigns.
Handle prefixes the way you work by creating campaigns over specific dates or episodes with many custom configuration options.
Manage Traffic.
Specify campaigns to handle specific triggers, background calls, requests, and more advanced settings.
Get Realtime Reports.
View realtime data across both the entire prefix link as well as the specific campaigns triggered.


From Fragile to Sound

Prefix Manager shifts the technology from a fragile waterfall approach to an asynchronous background call approach that protects the listener experience.

Background Calls.
With only one hop between you and your listener, partner calls are performed asynchronously in the background and won't affect your listener experience. .
One-Click Integrations.
Easily integrate or remove attribution, advertising, and other tracking or reporting partners across every campaign or just one.
Complete Control.
Manage links, configure partner calls, and report on traffic in one centralized dashboard.
Asynchronous Background Partner Calls

Ready to get started?
Create a free account today.

Everything in One Link

All-in-One Prefix Management

Maximize ad revenue and support the growing landscape of services — all without sacrificing the listener experience, without requiring an advanced technology team, without requiring a large amount of your team's time, and without leaking your increasingly valuable data!

One Link
Only one link to install (limited technical work required)!
One Hop
Only one hop between your listener and your audio (faster response times)!
API Access
API access to all your data (including your raw request logs)!
Create & manage campaigns that work the way you do (many configuration & customization options)!
Asynchronous Calls
Partner calls are performed asynchronously in the background (partner problems won't affect your listener experience)!
Block Bots
Effortlessly manage & block bot traffic from wasting your partner resources and budget (while also understanding how bots affect your true metrics)!
Respect "Do Not Track"
Properly manage & respect your audience "Do Not Track" requests (without skewing your true metrics)!
Realtime Data
Realtime reports & metrics available to you 24/7 on demand (including your raw request logs)!
IP Address Exports
Export IP addresses of your listeners to use in your marketing & retargeting efforts!
Partner Integrations
Easily integrate or remove attribution, advertising, and other tracking or reporting partners with complete traffic control!
Advanced alerting options can let you know about configuration or traffic issues as well as when an episode goes viral (or other out-of-the ordinary things that might be occurring with your traffic)!
RSS Feed Monitoring
Associate your RSS feeds at no extra cost for additional monitoring, advanced campaign configuration options, & detailed reporting on an episode-by-episode basis!

Easy Installation

Get Started in 3 Easy Steps

Once your new link is in place, easily manage all future updates, campaigns, partner calls, and traffic from one centralized dashboard. Prefix Manager is the last link you'll ever need to install!

  1. 1
    Generate a Prefix Link
    Create a New Prefix Link
  2. 2
    Install the Link

    Prefix links are meant to be installed in your Podcast RSS feeds (your RSS feed is automatically generated by your podcast hosting provider).

    The link should be placed in front of each of your episode links.

    As an example, an item record in your podcast RSS feed might look like this:

    <enclosure url="https://YOUR_AUDIO_FILE.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" />

    With one of our prefix links installed it would become:

    <enclosure url="https://m.pfxes.com/YOUR_LINK_ID/https://YOUR_AUDIO_FILE.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" />

    This will route all requests for each of your episodes through our system.

    Each request that comes through our system will then make the proper partner calls asynchronously in the background based on the rules you provide (while also routing your listener to the proper audio file).

  3. 3
    Enjoy All Your Prefix Manager Advantages!

Ready to get started?
Create a free account today.